Nov 22, 2014

Service With a Smile – a New Short Story by Lily G. Blunt

For those who don’t know Lily G. Blunt, not only is she a wonderful author, she also does quite a lot to help support and promote other MM Romance authors. From the Facebook group she started and maintains to all the posts and publicity, she is always touting someone else, but now it’s her turn.  If you’ve not read Service With A Smile, it’s a fun, quick read.  Click on a buy link and help support this my friend Lily.






Terry visits a men’s designer boutique, and Ash gives him service with a smile…


TERRY caught sight of his reflection in the shop window and smoothed down his wind-blown hair. He glanced up and down, slowly checking over his appearance. A smile grazed his mouth. Pleased he’d chosen a tight-fitting white T-shirt to exhibit his firm torso, his dark eyes shifted to the clothing displayed on the other side of the glass. A pale blue shirt instantly caught his eye, as did a cream-colored shirt with a dusky paisley print. He knew both would suit his tanned complexion.
Terry could certainly do with a new shirt for the party later that evening, but that wasn’t the reason he was standing in front of the designer boutique. A flutter of excitement rippled through his belly and down to his groin, making his cock throb in anticipation. It wasn’t the clothing that had this effect upon him, but the thought of a particular sales assistant inside the shop.
It was late on Saturday afternoon, and the shop would be closing within the next half hour. He didn’t have much time to make his move. Terry hoped he’d timed his entrance just right. Peering beyond the male mannequins poised in the window, he searched out his intended target.

Terry noticed two men about to leave so he moved toward the door.  As it opened, an old-fashioned bell jangled overhead and the two men left the premises. They offered him a genuine smile. One of them winked at Terry, who returned the gesture. Terry watched them head down the street, walking hand in hand, for a few seconds before crossing over the threshold. A smile spread across his handsome face because he now knew only one member of staff remained to man the shop until it closed at half past five. The one guy he wanted the chance to be alone with. The one guy he lusted after. Ash.

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About the Author:

Lily G. Blunt writes contemporary gay romance and erotica. She loves to explore the relationship between two men and the intensity of their physical and emotional attraction. Angst often features in her stories as she feels this demonstrates the depth of the men’s feelings for each other. Lily is forever writing imaginary scenes and plots in her head, but only a few ever make it to the page—there never seems to be enough hours in the day despite having left the teaching profession to concentrate on her writing!

Lily discovered the wonderful world of m/m romance novels four years ago via fan fiction and went on to write stories in her spare time. With the encouragement of her friends and readers she decided to publish some of her work.

Lily has several self-published stories available on Amazon. She is also published with Torquere Press and Wayward Ink Publishing.

Easily distracted from her writing, Lily makes videos using clips from gay-themed movies and posts gorgeous pictures of men kissing or making out on her tumblr and Facebook pages. Lily is also an avid supporter of GLBTQ rights and advocates equality for all.

Lily lives in central England with her rather bemused husband, two twenty-something children, and a ‘mad as a bag of frogs’ Shetland Sheepdog.


WordPress: http://lilygblunt.wordpress.com

Blog: http://lilygblunt.blogspot.co.uk/

FB Page: http://www.facebook.com/LilyGBlunt

FB Profile: http://www.facebook.com/lily.blunt.75

Tumblr: http://bobloving.tumblr.com/

Tumblr: http://lilygblunt.tumblr.com

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BoyonBoyLoving?feature=mhee

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoyonBoyLoving

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6586037.Lily_G_Blunt


  1. Many thanks for your kind words, Andy. Very much appreciated 🙂

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