10/12/2017 In General, My Writing
Oct 12, 2017

My Perfect Reading Space


Recently I saw someone ask about people’s perfect read space. As a writer, I spend more time in my writing cave than my reading space. Typically I read on the train, in a waiting room, in bed before I go to sleep. But if I had an actual designated area that invited me to sit down and lose myself in a good book what would it look like? Not surprisingly, I had a few thoughts on the subject.

My reading nook should be just that, a small space made for my books and me. Room for a chair, books, a lamp and a small desk in case I get inspired and need to jot down a few plot bunnies.

I like overstuffed chairs. The kind you sink into and they wrapped themselves around you. Soft leather or plush fabric, it doesn’t matter. What does count is can I sit back, put my feet up and make myself comfortable. Something like this (with a matching ottoman) works:

I like overhead lights, but I really like floor lamps I can position over my shoulder to light up the pages of my book. It feels more personal. Like the light is meant only for the story that has my attention and me. Since I tend to like my stories with more than a hint of the fantastic, my ideal floor lamp couldn’t be plain or ordinary either.

Though I like things a bit different, I also prefer things to focus on function, rather than be nice to look at but impractical. This applies to bookcases and desks. Now, as an authors, these aren’t just books, they’re adventures and happy ever afters. They allow readers to explore and dream. Their home, therefore, needs to reflect that awesomeness. Something like this, that has a sliding ladder to make it super impressive:

And since this is a room for reading not a writing cave, a secretary desk would be perfect. Big enough for the grand ideas I’d use it to record, but mindful of its place in the room. And of course it would have a glass cabinet on top to house my most important books.

The room would have dark tartan wallpaper and wainscoting in a deep brown stain. I prefer hardwood floors and thick area rugs. And if we’re really going all out, a fireplace.

In case you want to go look at the furniture yourself, (and to give credit where it’s due and avoid any potential trademark infringement) I found the image for the chair, the lamp and the book case on Arhaus Furniture’s site, and the image for the desk at Snyder Furniture’s site.

So that’s mine. If the spirit moves you and you want to share aspects of your perfect reading space, the comment section below is yours to fill up.

Enjoy The Journey



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