03/27/2014 In My Writing
Mar 27, 2014

Guest Author: Elyzabeth M. Valey – Naughty Fairy Tales.

Today’s guest is another of my flasher friends. . . err. . . I mean another friend I met through the Wednesday Briefs Flash Fiction Group. Elyzabeth is stopping by to talk about Naughty Fairy tales and what inspires her to write them  After that she shares an excerpt from her latest naughty fairy tale – Blind Beauty.

Blind Beauty (Witches’ Mischief Series 2) Promo Packet 1

Thank you for having me!

I’ve been asked several times to explain my inspiration for Blind Beauty. How does a fairy tale become something naughty? How did Blind Beauty become the second book in a series? Well, there were several factors involved.

  1.  I love fairy tales. Anything that involves magic and fantasy is at the top of my list, add to that romance (and some sizzling scenes) and you’ve got me enthralled.
  2. The Golden Cock. Have you read it? The Golden Cock was my first Naughty Fairy Tale and is now book 1 of The Witches’ Mischief Series. Initially, it wasn’t created to be a series, but the muse jumped in and started whispering naughty things in my ears.Loosely based on The Golden Goose, it introduces the witch Soussanna (which you’ll see again in Blind Beauty) and tells the story of Brielle and Vincent, a man with a very –er- special gift between his legs.
  3. A review. Yep, a reviewer (this one to be exact) was curious to know what happened to the baby girl at the end of The Golden Cock. That got my wheels turning.
  4. Many of my stories start out with a single scene and the birth of The Witches’ Mischief series was no different. Shortly after reading the review mentioned above, I witnessed a scene between Soussanna and her daughter. I’m not going to go into details because that particular scene takes place in the future, but suffice to say, some things I didn’t know about Soussanna were revealed and the characters from Blind Beauty were mentioned. Questions arose. Who were they? What did they do? How did they meet Soussanna and her daughter? What was their story?
  5. Research. I knew there were two men that needed their story to be told, but what was it? There are many fairy tales circulating around the world, but only one matched James and Richard. (Can you guess which one? I’ll give you a hint, though it’s titled Blind Beauty it has nothing to do with Beauty and the Beast.)Furthermore, The Witches’ Mischief series takes places in fictional England during the Regency period, so that also required some investigation.
  6. The Muse steps in. I had the historical basis, the fairy tale that ran parallel to James and Richard’s story… all that was missing was for me to open my ears and let the boys tell their tale…

Note: Both Blind Beauty and The Golden Cock can be read as standalone novels!



James Macintosh is hours away from his new home. He is ready to start a secluded life away from all the rumors, insults and disgusted faces concerning his appearance. However, a meeting with a mysterious woman and her child, mingled with a sudden harsh snowstorm will set him down a very different path than the one he had originally envisioned.

Richard Randywine is an accidental fugitive living with a band of rowdy thieves. A good man at heart, he has gotten used to hiding his emotions behind his strapping muscles and brute strength.  Yet, when the thieves ambush an unsuspecting rider, Richard is forced to drop his mask and step forward.

Will both men be able to see what lies before them or will they be blind to the possibility of happiness?


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Author Bio:

Defined as weird since she was about eight, Elyzabeth honors the title by making up songs about her chores, doodling stars and flowers on any blank sheet of paper and talking to her dog whenever he feigns interest.

Losing the battle to the voices in her head is her favorite pastime after annoying her younger sister with her singing. Writing stories full of passion and emotion where love conquers all is her happy pill and she’ll forgo sleep to make her readers live the dream.

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Pinterest (Blind Beauty has its own board! Check it out here)




He climbed atop his horse, as told. His back molded to Richard’s, his body betraying him as it molded into the other man’s embrace. Richard pulled him hard against him, his body enveloping him in an almost suffocating hug.

“Go,” he whispered huskily into his ear, his breath fanning it. James pressed his thighs against Faith’s flanks, hoping the animal would understand, considering the strange position she was in. She did, for she set off at a trot in the direction Richard indicated. They galloped in silence, trees whirring past them, snow flying when they swept past. James eyes widened and he barely controlled the urge to order Faith to stop as he realized their impasse.

“Richard, the hoof prints, the snow.” James pointed at the visible trail. “They’ll track us down as easily as the king’s hounds trace a fox.”

Richard’s breath was warm in his ear. His hair tickled his temple and James had to suppress a shiver.

“I know.” Richard chuckled. “Don’t worry. I have a plan, besides wishing that they’ll wake up during the night and we’ll be miles away by then or that it snows heavily again.”

James wished he didn’t have to worry, but he couldn’t relax. The problem wasn’t so much the thieves that could pursue them at any moment, but the man behind him. He was too close, too comforting, and all too desirable. James shifted in his seat again, trying to find a comfortable position. One in which he wasn’t pressed up tightly against Richard’s groin. One in which he didn’t imagine he felt the length of his cock hard against him. Because, he was convinced it was his imagination. Otherwise, how could a man like Richard be interested in him? It didn’t make any sense. In his experience, men like Richard were ladies’ men. They seduced, fucked and discarded women. He wasn’t a woman and he’d been rejected too many times in his life. He didn’t need this. He didn’t need more pain. Richard’s fingers brushed against his side, the fingers digging into his flesh and distracting him as arousal flared in every centimeter of his flesh.

“What got you into thievery?” he asked, attempting to forget how close their bodies were.

Richard grunted in reply and he fell silent once more, fishing his mind for a topic of conversation. It came up blank. He thought about asking Richard to stop. Faith was probably tiring though she didn’t show it and surely, they were safe by now. He should ask. James knew he should, but he couldn’t. He was losing his mind, falling prey to the liquid fire that was consuming him inside and outside. He wasn’t sure if the man was hard, but he was. His cock was stiff and throbbing, the idea of taking or being taken by Richard flashing through his mind every time Faith bounced.

What would it feel like?

Flesh both silky and hard as steel brushing against him, an intimate caress, deep and longing. They’d become one man, writhing, gasping, and moaning. James’ breath hitched, the tightness in his breeches becoming uncomfortable. He clenched his teeth together and grasped the reins so tightly the material cut into his hands. He scrambled to regain his bearings, to remember whom he was with and what had occurred in the last 48 hours. He couldn’t trust Richard, but neither could he trust his treacherous body. He was not a beautiful man. Surely the thief didn’t want him. The thief. That’s right, Richard was a thief. He had no morals, no scruples, no—James groaned as Faith skipped over a fallen log, throwing Richard’s body against him, the erection he was sure he was imagining grinding against his bottom.




  1. ambermcphee says:

    I LOVE fairytales. 😀 Sounds interesting.

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