Tag: Jon Keys

07/10/2015 In Guest, New Releases

Obsidian Sun; by Jon Keys

Blurb: Differences must be put aside when vengeance becomes all-consuming. Anan, a spellweaver of the Talac people, returns from a hunting trip to find his village decimated, his mate dead, and everyone else captured by Varas slavers. The sole survivor is Terja, a young man without the velvet that covers most Talac, marking him as a spellspinner. Since Talac magic requires both a weaver and a spinner, Anan and Terja must move beyond their ingrained mistrust. All that remains is revenge and a desperate plan to rescue their tribesmen before they are sold to Varas pleasure houses. A goal Anan and Terja are willing to die for. With the blessing of the Talac gods, they discover new and surprising ways …

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