Tag: Heath Greenfield

07/02/2015 In Guest, New Releases

University of Southern Georgia: Davy & Tony; by Heath Greenfield—Book Blast and Giveaway

Blurb: Love is a funny thing…it happens when and where you least expect it. Tony has been having a rough couple of days. His dad caught him with a dirty magazine, which would have been embarrassing enough. But when his dad realized it was a gay magazine, he chased Tony down the street. Luckily, Uncle Alfonso and Aunt Luciana have taken him in. Now, he’s out to the world, going to school during the day, and working in the family restaurant at night. Davy has become what he always dreamed of being: an Army Ranger. He loves everything about it. He’s assigned to Fort Benning and works as an analyst. He also happens to be gay, but even with the …

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