Tag: All That Is Solid Melts Into Air

01/29/2016 In Books, New Releases

All That is Solid Melts into Air; by Christopher Koehler—Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

{Please note, the exclusive excerpt that Christopher provided for this stop on the tour was inadvertently left off, so if you’ve viewed the post when it was first posted, stop back and check out the excerpt.} Blurb: I thought life after high school would be easier. I’d go to California Pacific for a year while I got a handle on my HIV, then after Michael graduated from high school, we’d blast out of here for colleges—and life—on the East Coast. Then I visited Boston and everything changed. I realized I like CalPac. Turns out, Boston didn’t have anything for me beyond one of the biggest regattas in North America. Life grew more complicated when I got home. I couldn’t find …

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