Jan 22, 2017

Running The Bases—Author Interviews

Starting tomorrow, January 23 2017, I’ll be starting a new feature on the blog called, Running The Bases (RTB).  This will combine my love of baseball with my writing to bring you short, four question interviews—one for each base—with primarily speculative fiction authors.  My hope is these will be a home run as I try to bring on authors who are new to the Land of Make Believe to give readers new idea for books/series to check out.  There will also be chances to win free eBooks from my guests.

If there are any authors you’d like me to try to get on the feature, let me know in a comment. If you’re an author who wants to be featured, contact Naomi at naomi@andrewqgordon.com for more information.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, and as always,

Enjoy The Journey!



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