04/05/2016 In Books, New Releases
Apr 05, 2016

Blog Tour—Home; by Donna McIntosh—Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway


home-600x956LAPD Detective Sean Hennessey has one person he’s repeatedly tried to arrest and bring to justice: his nemesis, Mitchell Yates.

Yates has been in and out of trouble for years, always skating around the edges of LA’s underbelly; however, Sean can never pin anything on him.

But one night all of that changes.

Caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, instead of arresting Yates, Sean is rescued by him and taken to Yates’ home—a satellite high above Earth. There, Sean discovers a world he thought possible only in Science Fiction.

Everything he believed he knew about Yates is turned upside down, and Sean must make a decision: to remain with the LAPD or join Yates and work toward intergalactic peace.

Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing

Exclusive Excerpt:

Yana looked at his lover, Sean, gasping for breath next to him, blood trickling down the side of his battered face, then to Aaron, bloodied and semi-conscious on the ground. “Him. I choose him. You give me your word? He will be sent to a neutral base?”

“He will. He will be given medical care and transferred immediately.” With the wave of a hand, Aaron was carried to the chief’s transport. “We will return here to begin mining again in one hundred days. If you are still alive, make yourselves known to us. No one has ever lasted that long, but there is a first time for everything known to the Gods. If you are chosen by Them to survive, then I can do no less than to assist in your return to your people.”

“Can you leave us our weapons at least?” Yana stood as the others departed.

“No.” The chief said nothing more. In a nearly silent whoosh, they were gone.

Sean pulled his belt off, and wrapped it around the bleeding gash in his thigh. “We’ve got to find shelter.”

The roar of a beast startled them, and they took off into the nearby trees. Sean fell twice, and each time Yana pulled him back up.

“Go on,” Sean insisted, but Yana grabbed Sean’s arm and pulled him through the woods.

The small encampment had several shelters—similar in style to the old Quonset huts and interconnected by covered, reinforced walkways. If they could make it back there, they might stand a chance; but between them and the settlement was the woods. Woods filled with all kinds of animals— each more vicious than the last. They didn’t dare stop because the ground beneath their feet was just as dangerous, with insects the size of rats that crawled and buzzed and flew at them at every turn.

Buy Links

WIP: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/home-by-donna-mcintosh/
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01D2CSRN4/
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01D2CSRN4/
Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01D2CSRN4/
Amazon DE: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B01D2CSRN4/
ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-home-2000695-145.html

Book Trailer


Prize: $6.99 WIP Gift Card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

DONNA McINTOSH was born in Elmira, New York, grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, married a Texan and has lived all over Texas for the last thirty-plus years. Donna has four children, ran a Day Care Center for many years and has written fan fiction since she was thirteen.

Donna loves long walks so her mind can ramble. She loves reading and her tastes run from Historical novels, to Sci-Fi, Westerns, Classics, all the way to WWII and biographies. In short, anything that catches her eye.

Donna loves total quiet, very little TV, occasional movies, wildlife, beaches, birds, cats, newborn babies, flowers, and great big smiles. Oh, and hugs!

She hates flying, total darkness, people who talk endlessly about themselves, intolerance, and bigotry.

Donna’s biggest asset?  Her wild and endless imagination.

Her biggest flaw? She’s a Libran and simply cannot make a decision!

DONNA McINTOSH can be found at her website: http://donnamcintosh.weebly.com/


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