01/07/2013 In My Writing
Jan 07, 2013

New Year – New Focus

2013 will mark a few changes for my ‘life’ as an author.  First, I’m on my own. In 2011 and last year, Anyta and I collaborated on two books, one of which – Bettor To Lose – won a contest and the other – (Un)Masked – was published by Dreamspinner Press.  This year, The Last Grand Master and Purpose will be published by Dreamspinner Press and they are all mine.  No more riding Anyta’s coattails.

Second, I’m going to try something new on my blog. I’ve met a bunch of new, not so new and establish authors who work with Dreamspinner Press. As a whole, they a very welcoming community. Ask questions, get an answer. Augusta Li – “Gus” – helped me out with my upcoming book by drawing the map of the world to help make things clearer. And by helping me out I mean taking a rough sketch, a short deadline and a general lack of precise information from and creating something I think is really goood.  Oh yeah I was not charged a cent the work.

One thing that struck me is that there are some good books out there by these authors that I’d bet most people who read my blog never heard of.  And if they have heard of them, they get lost in the tidal wave of new authors coming out every week/month/year.  I can’t say I’ve had time to read something by everyone I’ve met, but I’m going to try to do better in the future. But one thing I can do, is try to introduce some of them to anyone who reads this blog. To that end, I’d like to start posting author profiles on my blog.  My plan is to do these profiles/spotlights every thursday or every thursday I have a some one who I can write about.  For the most part the content will come from the authors themselves, so it will be more like a chance for them to use this space to introduce themselves and their work(s) to everyone who stops by here. As I develop an list of definite ‘guests’ I’ll post the list on my home page.  Hopefully people will find something of interest and go support them and their work.

Last – The Last Grand Master which I originally titled Chosen of Honorus  – is slated to be released on February 1, 2013. I’ll do more of a write up later this week, but here is what the cover will look like.

The Last Grand Master Cover

Though I might be biased, I think the artist – Paul Richmond – did an amazing job with it. I’m very happy with how it turned out.


  1. GR/D says:

    I am looking forward to February 1, 2013! I also like the idea of introducing good authors here. I will follow with interest. Cute picture of Lil-Q, she is such a cutie!

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